
A ThetaHealing® session does not only support your body’s healing abilities, but it also helps you to let go of negative behavioral patterns, habits, fears and traumas.

With the aid of focused questions the root of limiting belief systems is found, released and replaced with supporting beliefs. The replacement of the belief systems can be checked with muscle tests to make sure that all disruptive patterns are eliminated.

Because of the use of Theta brainwaves in the replacement of the belief systems, ThetaHealing® has a deep effect on the subconscious, so that the changes are profound and permanent.

One essential advantage of ThetaHealing® is also, that limiting beliefs can be dispersed without having to go or work through the traumas that created them again. You are in control during the whole session and it is not possible to change any beliefs without the clear explicit approval of the client.

A ThetaHealing® session usually lasts between 45 minutes and an hour and costs $ 100 Canadian, (GST included).

It is also possible to do a ThetaHealing® session via telephone or online within the comfort of your own home, saving you money and travel time.

To arrange an appointment, please call me at 306-276-7812 or contact me through this website.

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ThetaHealing® Sitzung